L1zmoes Ban appeal v2


New member
Hello! To request a ban appeal use this format below and let admins know you've appealed in discord.


- Why were you banned?

I Photoshopped a Picture to fake the price of my knife by 75 bucks [Scammed him], this was 1 month ago, i've alredy maked 1 ban appeal but it got denied by a couple of headadmins, they told me that i could make a new ban appeal after 1 month. So now im just hoping for the best.

- Why should you be unbanned?

I've noticed my mistake and felt very bad, i've been scammed b4. i know how it feels, So i Sent the Items Back, and promised to never du it again.

- In what way can you prevent your previous actions (if applicable)?

I'll see it from the other angle of how people feel like when they get scammed. Like I said before I've been scammed multiple times and I know how f*cked up that is. I felt that after I did to this guy. Went to apologize and wasn't sure if I earned my 2nd try.. Soo the guy that i scammed started looking out for me cus of my actions.. If this doesn't prove that I changed please message sad boy Aivi [the guy i scammed..].. I'm really sorry for my actions and I promise to improve in the future. It will stay one time thing and will not continue again.

- What qualities do you bring to our group?

Im Being active on the server and helping Pricecheck items, i also help new trades to start beginning, i've spent 250+ hours on the Server. Played on it over 1,5 years.

I would love to come back to the community and start trading again, its my hobby to trade. And its so much harder to do on rise, reddit etc.

Sorry for Bad english ;)
