Kraut, Admin Application


New member
Online Name (you can include your first real name as well) - Kraut (Jay)

Age -21

How long have you been trading? (Only answer if applying for Trade servers) - 2014

How many hours do you have in the game(s) you're applying to (CSGO/TF2)? - A few thousand across a couple accounts, can link as needed.

Do you have previous moderator/admin experience? - Yes, OGN/RGN with EricTheDon.

Do you have a reputation thread? (Only answer if applying for Trade servers) - On profile Bio, made a new one.

When you are encountered with a scammer and you dont have enough info, how will you best go about dealing with this? - Collect as much information as possible, try and speak directly with player about accusations and others who have experiences with the accused.

What do you think Admins/Mods can improve on in the group/servers? - Server procedure, keeping people safe while providing an enjoyable experience on and off the server.

What will you do to maintain and grow the group/servers? - Keep a friendly reputation with users and maintain trust in them.

What will you bring to benefit our group/servers? - Years of experience in trading and fair treatment of everyone, regardless of value or experience.

What time are you usually on? - At least a few hours a day, if not most of the time. (working on call keeps me home.)

Give us a little information about yourself (Minimal, Don't dox yourself) - Collector of Vinyl records and classic nintendo media.

Which server(s) are you applying to? - TGP-CS:GO

Any current admins are you familiar with? - T-Virus, Dad. Tropic