[H] 4x LGB Katowice 2014 Blood Tiger [W] $149 Cash (13% SP)


Hallo, I've got a 0.07 MW Blood Tiger with 4 LGB eSports | Katowice 2014 stickers on it. My price should be less than 13% sticker price with current prices, which considering it is a 4x, seems fair.

Screenshot: https://s1.cs.money/NFHmw1l_image.jpg

My b/o is $149 Zelle/BTC/ETH. I may also take liquids, feel free to comment on my profile and add me.

Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/bhook/

Tradelink: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=375754752&token=CjRx4SJj

Thanks! - Bhook