gush unban


New member
Reason: I said "cs money offers me more"

Why Unban: because I already had an offer of 25 arcs for my kara TT 0.008 pixel and only said cs money offers me more so i could stop talking to the kid, since he was offering me 21 arcs

Preventions: block stupid kids with stupid offers

Qualities: One of the nicest people on the server always willing to help if asked, the best PC, Find good deals for others


Ive talked to you about this and I would not be opposed to an unban but there are a few things you need to do

1.Post a link to the account that was banned
2.Provide screenshots of the offer you had
3.Explain is further detail what happened so other admins can fully understand the situation and what happened.


New member
2. offers1.pngoffers2.PNG
3. I had numerous offers of either 24-25 arcanas, then some random guy offered me 21 arcs, i told him, "look man i already got offers of 24-25 arcs so probably not gonna take anything lower", he kept insisting he could get lower prices on buff, i agreed with him but told him im not taking anything less than 25 which is reasonable since i have co's, i just wanted this guy to stop talking to me because he was being rude and annoying and told him either offer me 25 arcs or just unadd me, i was getting fed up with it so i jut said "csmoney offers me more" which i didnt know was bannable but i have ss of my current offers in no way was i trying to shark the kid.


New member
also the skins offered to me in the first SS are all FN x4 katowice 2015 holo crafts


Thanks for linking the screenshots. After looking this over I can second for an unban.