

Head Administrator
Online Name (you can include your first real name as well) -
| Jordan
| steamname: Chaos
| steam3ID: [U:1:66117115]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:33058557
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

Age -

How long have you been trading? (Only answer if applying for Trade servers) -
I was super active when trading began until 2014 ish, took a break for a few years, came back, then took another break and came back a month or so ago.

Which server(s) are you applying to?
TF2 Trading

How many hours do you have in the game(s) you're applying to (CSGO/TF2)? -
Over 6000 on this account that I trade on. More on my alt that I used to play 6s on.

Do you have previous moderator/admin experience? -
TF2 - UHC, UTC, TF2-Trader, Harpoon, Steam Rep, probably more, I helped a lot of communities in various ways,
CS:GO - Carbon Gaming, the first trade server in CS (Walle who makes loads of the popular surf maps made our map!)
DotA2: DotA2 Traders. It was a forum but I was helping them with their SteamRep app.

That's just my trading admin experience. I've also helped run public servers and websites for smaller communities in the UK.

Do you have a reputation thread? (Only answer if applying for Trade servers) -
Not anymore. I was a Source OP Trusted seller and that's where all my rep was, but the forums are gone now.

When you are encountered with a scammer and you dont have enough info, how will you best go about dealing with this? -
Do some research by checking steamrep, checking their inventory, looking at item histories and looking for suspicious patterns, looking at their friends list to see if they could be part of a group of banned accounts.

What do you think Admins/Mods can improve on in the group/servers? -
Not crash the server.

What will you do to maintain and grow the group/servers? -
I'm good at fostering a positive trading space where everyone feels safe. I try my best to be approachable and friendlly to everyone. I think bans should be a last resort. Bad behaviour can usually be solved with a friendly chat in private or a bit of public ribbing.

What will you bring to benefit our group/servers? -
I've processed thousands of reports and appeals for Steamrep, I've admined multiple servers. I get a lot of satisfaction from helping provide a safe and inclusive place for people to play, trade and make friends.

Will you be able to coordinate with TVirus and other admins to hold events on the server? -
If I'm online I'm down to help out.

What time are you usually on? -
I'm in the UK but my sleep patterns are weird. I'm on and off all day every day because I work from home.

Give us a little information about yourself (Minimal, Don't dox yourself) -
I love pink yoyos. I used to make pink yoyos. Here's a video of me playing with pink yoyos.

Which server(s) are you applying to? (Trade Server, Jailbreak, etc.) -
TF2 Trading.

Any current admins are you familiar with? -
Most of the the TF2 trade staff.


Active member
Staff member
Not crashing the server - good idea if only I could do that less often. Accepted thanks for applying!