

New member
Why were you banned?
i dont know. i used to trade on the server about 3-4 years ago. and just got back into csgo. i have this new account and dont know why i have been banned. tried to join for the first time in 3-4 years and instantly cant join.

- Why should you be unbanned?
cause i want to trade and bring opportunities to the server. I forgot why i was banned all those years ago. whatever is was i am truly sorry and would like a second chance.

- In what way can you prevent your previous actions (if applicable)?
i dont know what i was banned for. i forgot what i was banned for

- What qualities do you bring to our group?
trades and a good attitude. willing to help people price check and check other things. willing to help other traders out and bring what i can to the server.
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After locating your ban in source bans it says that ban reason is: Duplicate account
Do you happen to have an alt/share a PC with someone who has been on server and has been banned?


New member
i have talked to you telsa before on discord. my name is tranzfer on discord. Remeber you said that virus needed to look it up. if you want we can talk on discord again


Yeah that was in regards to locating the ban. I found it. I just don't know why it says duplicate so if you have no insight ill ask virus ab it.