admin application


New member
Name (First only is OK) - names brandon but you can call me pulse

Age -17

How long have you been trading? (Only answer if applying for Trade servers) -ive been trading for a couple of days

How many hours do you have in CS:GO? -102 but i have experience in trading in game items in such games as rocket league , killing floor 2

Do you have previous moderator/admin experience? - no i dont have any admin experience

Do you have a reputation thread? (Only answer if applying for Trade servers) -

When you are encountered with a scammer and you have to deal with a trivial ban how will you best go about dealing with this? - i would get the nessacary infomation and screenshot or video recordings beforei make my decsion on banning said person

What do you think Admins/Mods can improve on in the group/servers? - being more active and less toxic

What will you do to maintain and grow the group/servers? - i will help people in need and willing to put time and effort to grow and learn how to be a good admin on the server

What will you bring to benefit our group/servers? - i will be active and help out whenever needed as it is my duty as an admin

What time are you usually on? - between 10am and 8pm whenever i can get on

Give us a little information about yourself - my names brandon or pulse im 17 years old and have recently got into the trading scheme on csgo i like hanging with friends and going on adventures

Which server(s) are you applying to? - The Global Paradise *TRADE SERVER*