Search results

  1. Darksi

    Trizzy_P's Ban Appeal

    I hope the higher members of TGP review this and make the right choice. Id be happy to have you back since you were one of the rare normals on the server who never caused problems, atleast when I was on!
  2. Darksi

    Spanky's Cash Reputation

    +rep Sold him flip autotronic FT & Ducttape Handwrap FT for etransfer, He went first!
  3. Darksi

    Darksi's Cash Reputation

    | steamname: Darksi | steam3ID: [U:1:418646275] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:209323137 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: 👑 Currently have over 74,000$ USD...