VIP Information (TF2)


Active member
Staff member
VIP is purchased from myself or any admin! Contact them now!

Cost: $6/3 keys for one month of VIP
12 months of VIP for VIP+

VIP+ is permanent and can be acquired by buying 12 months of VIP consecutively or all at once for $72/36 keys!

Buy a room! Get a custom room with your name, a teleport command !yourname, 3 posters and an overall theme! $150 for 3 years+! You can have the room for longer than 3 years if no one buys a room to cover yours! They cannot pick a slot so multiple rooms would have to be bought!

Admins get a %15 finders fee!

Want to purchase TGP coins?
$1 for 500
$5 for 3000
$10 for 7000
$25 for 22000
$50 for 50,000
$100 for 150,000

Want to purchase VIP with coins?
11,000 coins for a month (VIP)
132,000 coins for perma (VIP+)

Here is a list off all the perks!

- !skybox
- !tauntspeedme
- !size
- !scale
- !super
- Promoted listings on !trade and

VIP+ COMMANDS you get:
- All VIP Commands + extras in scale/size
- !noclipme (not allowed in any arena or to interrupt trades)
- !nuke (nuke once per 24 hours)
- !disco
- !saxton (turn yourself into saxton once per 24 hours)

TOP DONOR (Check leaderboard in server spawn point)
- All VIP & VIP+ Commands
- Custom Tag for life

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