Tool/ Pakzl's Ban Appeal 4/27/23


New member
Title: Tool's Ban Appeal


- Why were you banned?
"faking current offers, using "Noahy" although he did NOT offer at all"

- Why should you be unbanned?
I feel as if I should be unbanned because this ban was originally placed 3 years ago now (2/12/2020), and since this ban I have talked to so many people who have been active on TGP and always wished I was unbanned, after submitting a ban appeal in 2021 through the bans website and waiting for a response there for now two years I have had plenty of time to realize the actions I made are not worth the consequences since I enjoy the community and never planned on leaving.

- In what way can you prevent your previous actions (if applicable)?
Being more honest with other members on the server & also not being deceiving, as I said it has been three years since my ban and i have had plenty of time to reflect on what I did and why I should never do it again.

- What qualities do you bring to our group?
I am very active on csgo and open a large amount of cases & capsuls, i open alot of items that other people may have interest in so rather than quickselling the items im not keeping I would give it to another member on the server at lower cost. I have been playing csgo for many many years so I am pretty knowledgeable and can help newer players get a grasp on skins if needed.