Renegade - Admin Application


New member
Online Name (you can include your first real name as well) - Renegade/Brandon

Age - 25

Which server(s) are you applying to? (Trade Server, Jailbreak, etc.) - Trade Server

How long have you been trading? (Only answer if applying for Trade servers) - 12 Years

How many hours do you have in the game(s) you're applying to (CSGO/TF2)? - Almost 10,000

Do you have previous moderator/admin experience? - N/A

Do you have a reputation thread? (Only answer if applying for Trade servers) - I have extensive reputation for cash trading/brokering/general positive trading experience/providing advice for new players

When you are encountered with a scammer and you dont have enough info, how will you best go about dealing with this? - Checking all relevant data points before coming to a conclusion: Backpack history, steamrep history, potential reports from users, general knowledge of the individual within the community, backpack and steam trade compares.

What do you think Admins/Mods can improve on in the group/servers? - I think the staff does a good job maintaining control within the servers, but the more people on staff to manage the problematic users throughout the day or to host events, the better.

What will you do to maintain and grow the group/servers? - Assist in events (Auctions/Server Giveaways), Manage any problematic users (Micspammers/Private Inventories/Sharkers/Scammers)

What will you bring to benefit our group/servers? - An extensive knowledge of trading, positive attitude, a history of good experiences among the community within TGP and beyond.

Will you be able to coordinate with TVirus and other admins to hold events on the server? - As best as I can, and when I am available.

What time are you usually on? - Evenings during the week, Afternoons/Evenings on the Weekends. Depends if I am working remotely, on vacation, or otherwise.

Give us a little information about yourself (Minimal, Don't dox yourself) - Senior Business Development Analyst in Chicago for a Crypto ATM company. Enjoy rock climbing, seeing family and friends, going out to eat, gaming in my free time.

Any current admins are you familiar with? - T-Virus, Taco Tamer, Epsilon, Aister, Festive Morgan, Sarkness


Active member
Staff member
Accepted for trial we need to have a meeting at some point for training! Thank you for wanting to make the community better. Obviously you've been a great help so far thanks!