Randy Smores Ban Appeal


New member
Title: Randy Smores Ban Appeal

- Why were you banned?
Banned for being a fake [Admin]

- Why should you be unbanned?
I only faked being a admin to warn people screaming over peoples ads. They stopped after i said something and as i went to change my name i got banned.

- In what way can you prevent your previous actions (if applicable)?
Not have the admin tag in my name.

- What qualities do you bring to our group?
Im a reputable trader and I try to make sure everyone is following the rules properly.
+rep to be fair he got all the kids to stop mic spamming he didnt use it in any toxic way or to make himself get deals etc.


Head Administrator
southern trader It was me who got them to shut,and also I only banned you for a week dont impersonate admins you cannot appeal a 1 week ban