Ban Appeal for MrSpicyV (vman411gamer)


New member
- Why were you banned?
I was banned for mic/chat spamming years ago, and I honestly don't even remember the incident.

- Why should you be unbanned?
I have grown up and matured a lot since then, and after getting back into CS:GO after 2 years I would like to start trading again. I would never do anything like that now.

- In what way can you prevent your previous actions (if applicable)?
Not really applicable. I just won't mic spam or chat spam.

- What qualities do you bring to our group?
I consider myself to be a pretty nice and reasonable guy, and I am always courteous when trading.

Thank you for your consideration.


Im having an issue locating your ban on source bans. If you have it and could send me a link to it. Or if you know your name at the time of the ban. Thanks!
EDIT* I found your ban
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So your ban is a permanent ban for spamming mic/chat. Your ban is dated at 09-03-15 21:09
I've spoken with another admin and Ill be working on getting you unbanned shortly. If you need anything else just reply on this thread or add me on discord TESLA#0117.


I tried to unban you on the server but you have no current bans under your account message me on discord if you still cant join and I'll try to figure it out.