Search results

  1. FallenPlanet

    MinkMonk's rep thread

    +rep sold him my case hardened knife for 1450 rmb in cash he went first :) nice and friendly guy to trade with.
  2. FallenPlanet

    ThatCowHugger's Cash Rep

    +rep bought 160$ worth of buff bal, i went first.
  3. FallenPlanet

    Milk's Cash Rep

    Sold him my m9 Blue gem for 800usd I went first Great Guy got money right away :)
  4. FallenPlanet

    Yoshikage Kenan's Cash Rep

    +Rep, transferred 400 Empire Coins for ($237 USD) for ETH. I went first. Fast and easy!
  5. FallenPlanet

    Dad's Cash Rep

    +rep sold him Huntsman CH he went first venmo 100usd :)
  6. FallenPlanet

    baddie's cash rep thread

    +rep sold me 50 empire coins for 30 usd venmo.
  7. FallenPlanet

    Tidus Cash Rep

    +rep sold him a tec 9 for cash with venmo 16
  8. FallenPlanet

    LIL CHEEKS Cash Reputation

    +rep sold him 2 pistols for cash venmo 24 usd he went first nice and smooth
  9. FallenPlanet

    Davidnturtle CashRep

    +rep sold him Famas he went first used venmo :)
  10. FallenPlanet

    Astrofish123's cashrep

    +rep sold him 30$ in buff bal he went first
  11. FallenPlanet

    Hex Cash Rep

    +rep sold him awp asiimov he went first :)
  12. FallenPlanet

    AlchemySL's Cash Reputation Thread

    +rep sold him my ak red lam with a IBP holo 2nd best pos 300$ usd (Venmo) he went first nice and fast trader glad to be his first +rep :)
  13. FallenPlanet

    Legacy's Cash Rep Thread

    +rep sold him my ak-47 blue lam "kato" for 160 usd =D
  14. FallenPlanet

    lucki stan's cash rep

    +rep bought his gloves he went first nice and smooth
  15. FallenPlanet

    Monster's Cash Rep

    +rep sold him 24 ARCS he went first 5 at a time.
  16. FallenPlanet

    Bloo's Cash Reputation Thread

    +rep bought 3 arcs off me he went first.
  17. FallenPlanet

    Biddlez Cash Rep

    +rep bought a arc he went first =D
  18. FallenPlanet

    Legacy's Cash Rep Thread

    +rep Traded my awp for Arcs nice and fast trader =)
  19. FallenPlanet

    PHEEASKO Rep Page (76561198046077469)

    +rep Bought 13 arcs off him I went first, Trade went smooth
  20. FallenPlanet

    EWT's Cash Reputation Thread

    +rep bought 6 arcs I went first though venmo trade went very smooth =D