Search results

  1. Tovhys

    Tovhys' Admin Application

    I'm sorry that you did not like my prices, however, I stated very clearly that I was going to use buff as a price for that as it was what I got told to do. I stated that I was selling it under what my buyout was. I also did state that it was a T2 because it is. It also was not the lowest tier...
  2. Tovhys

    Tovhys' CashApproved/TGPPriceChecker tag application

    1. Tag(s) you wish to apply for: [CashApproved] [TGPPriceChecker] 1/5 (low tier CH preferably) 2. What will you bring to benefit our group/servers if you get this tag?: Benefits would be that I could continue to do cash trading on the server, allowing people to cash out items, and receive...
  3. Tovhys

    Tovhys' Cash Reputation

    | steamname: Tovhys | steam3ID: [U:1:410130053] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:205065026 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep:
  4. Tovhys

    Tovhys' Admin Application

    Name - Nathan Age - 22 How long have you been trading? (Only answer if applying for Trade servers) - 9 years, TF2, Warframe, CS:GO, Rocket League. How many hours do you have in CS:GO? - 399. Do you have previous moderator/admin experience? - TF2 Jailbreak server for 5 months, Slayers Trade...