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  1. sfpt

    Keanu Reeves Ban Appeal

    you're right keanu tvirus is a ball chugging gay ass loser
  2. sfpt

    sfpt's Ban Appeal

    Why is this taking so long?
  3. sfpt

    sfpt's Ban Appeal

    Any updates? been about a week now, haven't heard back from anyone and messaging admins has only led me to be ghosted
  4. sfpt

    Milk's Cash Rep

    +rep i bought an ak hydroponic ft w/ 4 tsm holos from him for $320 venmo, he went first. thanks!
  5. sfpt

    sfpt's Ban Appeal

    - Why were you banned? I was banned recently for insulting T-Virus. I apologize for this, I did not mean to cause offense. I regret saying this, it was mean-spirited and I recognize that TGP is a safe space for people. My ban though is permanent, which I feel is excessive. - Why should you be...
  6. sfpt

    SnowFox™ Cash Reputation

    +rep i sold him an awp saf mesh crown on scope for $65 in eth, i went first. fast, freindly guy
  7. sfpt

    SnowFox™ Cash Reputation

    +rep i sold him an awp saf mesh lgb holo on scope and an awp saf mesh lgb holo on scope, dignitas paper on body for $130 in eth, I went first, fast and easy
  8. sfpt

    TheFlyingSpaghettiMonster's cash reputation

    +rep i sold him $100 worth of buff bal for $95 eth, I went first, super chill guy, easy to trade with!!
  9. sfpt

    Milk's Cash Rep

    +rep i bought a emerald jormungandr deagle fn from him for $45 venmo, he went first. fast and easy tyvm!
  10. sfpt

    Gamma's Cash Rep Thread

    +rep i bought another 25 arcs from him for $390 zelle, i went second. thanks!
  11. sfpt

    Gamma's Cash Rep Thread

    +rep i bought 6 arcs from him for $93.60 zelle. i went first. fast and easy, awesome guy
  12. sfpt

    Spoezy's Cash Rep (76561198376278868)

    +rep i sold him $50 buff bal for zelle, he went first. fast n easy!
  13. sfpt

    DevGambit's Cash Rep

    +rep i sold him $550 worth of buff bal via Cash App, i went first. fast and easy!
  14. sfpt

    Davidnturtle CashRep

    +rep bought a talon dopp p2 fac new for $421 via zelle, i went first. fast and easy!
  15. sfpt

    Chards' Cashrep Thread

    +rep i sold him a ST ak neon rider FT for $54.46 ETH, i went first. fast a d easy
  16. sfpt


    +rep i sold him a m4 golden coil w/ 3x fnatic holo mlg 2016 stickers for $14 zelle, fast and easy. thanks!
  17. sfpt


    +rep i sold him some driver gloves | lunar weave ft for $120 zelle. i went first. fast and easy
  18. sfpt

    Potheads Cash Rep

    +rep he bought my superconductor gloves bs for $270 venmo, I went first. fast and easy
  19. sfpt

    Kaname / Retarded's TGP Cash Rep Thread

    +rep i bought a usp blueprint with 4x luminosity holo mlg c16 for $25 venmo. fast and easy, i went first
  20. sfpt

    CombatHD's CashRep Thread

    +rep i sold him $200 worth of buff bal for Venmo, I went second. thanks!!