Recent content by monkichi

  1. monkichi

    Soolpa's Cash Rep Thread

    bought a bayo doppler w/ venmo
  2. monkichi

    SyL3nTFoRcE Cash Rep

    sold 210 usd of buff bal, nice and smooth trade
  3. monkichi

    monkichi's TGP cash rep

    did a 910 usd deal for 960 usd of buff bal with green
  4. monkichi

    Prismatic's Cash Rep

    +rep bought his inv for 260 usd at a good rate
  5. monkichi

    ♛Dairak's Cash Rep

    +rep sold him 100 rmb buff bal for venmo, best dude
  6. monkichi


    +rep bought a bayo dam steel for 141.69 usd quick and ez
  7. monkichi

    Ansford's Cash Reputation

    +rep sold copper galaxy kato craft for 30 usd
  8. monkichi

    ♛Dairak's Cash Rep

    +rep sold him 1900 rmb bal venmo, lets get this rep up!
  9. monkichi

    Hexnano's Cash Rep Thread

    +rep sold kumicho dragon bish bash bosh kidd
  10. monkichi

    Gentle's Cash Rep

    sold 39 usd of buff bal, i went second, 👾
  11. monkichi

    Lad's Cash Reputation Thread

    helped me mm for 210$ of buff bal, thnx sexy
  12. monkichi

    Doesn't have cashrep made but bought huntsman stained ft for 58$, really nice dude

    Doesn't have cashrep made but bought huntsman stained ft for 58$, really nice dude
  13. monkichi

    monkichi's TGP cash rep

    58$ nice dude
  14. monkichi

    monkichi's TGP cash rep

    68$ for reference* stattrak deagle trigger discipline fn, ak asiimov mw, stattrak dragon king m4a4 mw
  15. monkichi

    MinkMonk's rep thread

    +rep bought his ak neon revolution mw for 19.9 usd, I went first, nice and smooth trade 😀