Recent content by Bighead

  1. Bighead

    Sabers cash rep thread

    +rep sold deagle blaze for awp oni + cash 200$ via zelle he went first ty
  2. Bighead

    Sabers cash rep thread

    +rep bought a bayo gamma p4 and 57 candy apple with 2014 dig holo kato and 3d max non holo 2014 kato for 660$ zelle he went first. smooth trade thanks dude
  3. Bighead

    squintjet811's CashRep

    +rep sold 1052 USD in buff balance i went first quick and easy thanks ! he paid via zelle
  4. Bighead

    Stubbier's cash rep thread

    +rep sold 594$ in buff bal i went first, he paid via venmo ty
  5. Bighead

    Defs Legit cash rep

    +rep bought flip auto, he sent first then I sent $110 via venmo ty
  6. Bighead

    TESLA's Rep Thread

    +rep sold him crimson weaves for $330 via zelle i went first
  7. Bighead

    Defs Legit cash rep

    +rep bought my flip fade for $230 via venmo he went first ty
  8. Bighead

    Meyekk's Cash Rep Thread

    +rep bought my ak redline ft for $12 via venmo he went first
  9. Bighead

    Meyekk's Cash Rep Thread

    +rep bought my deag code red for 18.70 via venmo he went first thanks
  10. Bighead

    Defs Legit cash rep

    +rep sold $627 buff balance to him he went first via venmo ty
  11. Bighead

    Defs Legit cash rep

    +rep sold kara gamma p3 for $481 via venmo he paid first
  12. Bighead

    Defs Legit cash rep

    +rep sold him ursus FN damascus and gut ruby for $426 venmo, he went first thanks
  13. Bighead

    Burger King's Cash Rep Thread

    +rep sold me his classic fade ST FN for $390 cashapp he went first thank you !
  14. Bighead

    Hexnano's Cash Rep Thread

    +Rep paid $20 for adds for nav sapphire he went first ty. thru zelle
  15. Bighead

    Adolf Cartman's CashRep

    +rep purchased mp9 hot rod FN for $12 thru venmo he went first