Recent content by Aspect015

  1. Aspect015

    squintjet811's CashRep

    +rep sold another $250 of buff balance, I went first, no issues
  2. Aspect015

    squintjet811's CashRep

    +rep sold $1800 of buff bal with Spanky as mm, good guy
  3. Aspect015

    Wake & Derank Cash Rep Thread

    | steamname: Wake & Derank | steam3ID: [U:1:229602709] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:114801354 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Please leave a comment on our transaction. Thank you!
  4. Aspect015

    Spanky's Cash Reputation

    +Rep sold my Non-holo Titan cologne 2014 sticker for $17 via ethereum, I went first.